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Environment - Ecology

The National Park of Schinias, is next to the Villa's settlement.

It is located in the Marathon plains, NE of Athens, and is the most important ecosystem of Attica with a very attractive landscape.
It is based on a delicate water balance and expands in 13,84 km2 including its sea part.
Its comprised from:
  • the Cone pine forest, one of the 3 remaining in Greece and only a few in whole Europe,
  • the Great Marsh
  • the Kinosoura Peninsula
  • the Coast
  • and the sea zone
a map of the park

It is a paradise for bird watchers, as here you can spot more than 223 species of birds, endemic and migratory, according to the field specialists.

6 observatories, scattered along the park, allows you to have a close look to the birds and enjoy their environment.

For more info in birdwatching in Greece check below: